(The Chameleons: "Intrigue In Tangiers", aus dem Album "What Does Anything Mean? Basically", 1985)
When it's summer and the skies are glass
I just have to make the evenings last
They're always flying past
When it's raining and the sky is black
I just love to hear the thunder roll
And see the lightning crack
With fading powers we sit for hours by a television screen
With funny cigarettes and talk for hours of the places that we've seen
Brother can you hear my voice
Every second that you cling to life you have to feel alive
It's an easy thing to sell your skin
When the Devil's banging on your door
You always let him in
With fading powers we dream of hours that will never come again
Old defenders are themselves defenceless when the mad attack the sane
What can you do when you see no future in front of you
Food for the few - so many it seems are in front of you
I see my face reflected there in your sweating brow
You hate what you see - what can be done when there's no way out
Brother can you hear my voice
Every second that you cling to life you have to feel alive
But when you sleep ...
Where do you go?
(I don't know.)

Anmerkung: Gerade dieser Song ruft bei mir so heftige Emotionen und Erinnerungen an Begebenheiten "that will never come again" hervor ... all die düsteren, verrauchten Läden, die gelebten Ausschweifungen, die geplanten Revolutionen und die verlorenen Träume eines halben Lebens gehen in Stellung. Nennt es die Sentimentalität eines alternden Sackes - aber dieser Song bedeutet mir etwas. Wenn ihr ihn anhört, hört ihn laut. Und berauscht.
"Old defenders are themselves defenceless when the mad attack the sane" - das ist die ganze Geschichte des Scheiterns der Menschheit. 1985 ahnte ich das, heute weiß ich es.
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