Freitag, 28. September 2012

Song des Tages: Time Goes By

(Triumph: "Time Goes By", aus dem Album "Thunder Seven", 1984)

Can't you feel the thunder, rolling in a young man's heart
Can't you see the frustration that's tearing him apart
He's got a hunger for power, he wants to have it all
Sometimes he feels like he's banging his head up against the wall
Out in the real world living a lie
Can't seem to make the change, but he can't say why
As time goes by
Nobody really knows what to say, tomorrow is another day
That seems a million miles away, so far away

Time goes by, bridges burn and big wheels turn and
Time can't fly, will it ever bring you back again?
You know that I can't live without your love
Time goes by, you know I'll never make it alone
Make it alone

Can't you see the fire burning in a young girl's eyes
Does she think that she moves ahead if she cuts me down to size
Everybody's got two cents to try to buy some time
But they don't even know their own hearts
What can they know of mine?
Call out for reasons echoes the cry
She waits, anticipates; no reply as time goes by
Oh baby I don't know what to say
Tomorrow is another day
You seem a million miles away, so far away

Time goes by, bridges burn and big wheels turn and
Time can't fly, will it ever bring you back again?
You know that I can't live without your love
Time goes by, you know I'll never make it alone
Make it alone

We all bear witness as history unfolds
Let's hope tomorrow can deliver on the promise that she holds
Don't look back in anger, don't look ahead in fear
You just keep taking her as she comes until she comes in clear
The love you send out returns to you in time
The wheel gets turned around by those who try
For all their lives

Time goes by, bridges burn and big wheels turn and
Time can't fly, will it ever bring you back again?
You know that I can't live without your love
Time goes by, you know I'll never make it alone
Make it alone

3 Kommentare:

  1. Einfach geil. Seit ewigen Zeiten nicht gehört, aber immer noch saugut. Ich wußte gar nicht daß du die ollen Kanadier auch kennst. -)

    Dazu passt der Rest der "Time"-Suite vom selben Album, nämlich die beiden Songs "Time Canon" und "Killing Time":


    Time and time and time again
    Time after time after time
    Round and round and round again
    Time never waits
    Time never ends
    All of your life
    All the time
    Goes on by
    By and by and by


    Hanging out on the corner,
    He's got no place to go.
    She sits in an empty bedroom
    Playing the radio.
    Every day they're regretting
    All the things never tried;
    Every day they're dyin'
    Just a little bit more inside.

    All the lonely people,
    Waiting all their lives,
    They're empty and they're aching;
    You can see it in their eyes.

    Time is slipping away, passing us by,
    You're wondering why but it's gone,
    Gone forever my friend,
    and it won't come again
    So don't try to pretend you feel
    Fine! Killing time, killing time...

    You feel it's now or never,
    But the words don't seem to come.
    The fabric of your dreams
    Starts to come undone.
    You realize it's over,
    Before it has begun.
    You're reaching for something special
    But that someone never comes.

    You're on your own now,
    But you're living out a lie.
    This killing time is wasting you,
    I can see it in your eyes.

    Time is slipping away, passing us by,
    You're wondering why but it's gone,
    Gone forever my friend,
    and it won't come again
    So don't try to pretend you feel
    Fine! Killing time, killing time...

    The time we waste on hate,
    Full of anger and jealousy.
    The times we act so cruel,
    All the times you turned on me.
    All those lonely yesterdays
    When we were killing time.
    I needed you more than ever;
    Couldn't you see it in my eyes?

    Time was slipping away,
    Passing us by, now I could cry
    Cause it's gone. Gone forever, my friend
    And it won't come again;
    It's moved on and left us behind...

    Time is slipping away, passing us by,
    You're wondering why but it's gone,
    Gone forever my friend,
    and it won't come again
    So don't try to pretend you feel
    Fine! Killing time, killing time...

  2. Eigentlich wollte ich mir diese Songs für später aufheben ... aber sei's drum. ;-) Danke für die Ergänzung, alter Zausel. :-)

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