(Passionworks: "Angels Crossing", aus dem Album "Blue Play", 2007)
Knowing it isn't safe but I can't walk
I'm just waiting for me
I'm watching but I can't see this world and life
how it's lived
My inmost feelings fusing in me
and without a shell they're running out somewhere
making my soul bare
Don't watch, don't speak, I'm learning to live
I see I'm incomplete
Like a newborn I'm preening, my feathers still wet
outside it feels so frightening
And in my ear a cruising breeze
it sounds unsafe maybe it takes me there
blowing me over
(When) I am here and you are near
on the darkest road along this stream
I have to go this time
I know you were the angel crossing
Here without my shelter I'm nothing at all
but still I'm trying to take it
I'm watching as the others go on living their lives
I wonder how they make it
And if it rains I know I will break
And if someone says a word I can't take
I will fall into pieces
When I am near and you are here
Through the darkest I borrow you near
And after all the time has gone
We were the angels crossing
Just as I was to dare I stumble and fall
But I'm trying to walk through the fear in me
feeling the angels crossing
(When) I am here and you are near
on the darkest road along this stream
I have to go this time
I know we were the angels crossing
When I am near and you are here
Through the darkest I borrow you near
And after all the time has gone
we'll be the angels crossing

Toller Song, danke! :) Du warst auch schon öfters ein solcher "Angel crossing", vergiss das nicht.
AntwortenLöschen@ Anabelle: Trotzdem ist dieses Posting denjenigen gewidmet, die mir in der jüngeren Vergangenheit geholfen haben, als es nötig war. Außerdem fühle ich mich momentan etwas "zerbrechlich", wenn Du weißt, wie ich das meine.