Mittwoch, 19. März 2014

Song des Tages: Wings of a Dreamer

(Icon & The Black Roses: "Wings of a Dreamer", aus dem Album "Thorns", 2013)

Do you light a smile
When it hurts the most
And why do you seem to thrive
On the angst you put me through

With you there's no future (at least not for me)
You make me a different man (maybe so much weaker)
All my childhood dreams will never be destroyed by your ruthless mind

I close my eyes and step to the endless fall
While you break the wings of a dreamer

Held onto your arms while I was pushed
Into the endless fall (I can't forget)
You're staring back at me
Killing me slowly

Once you were so kind
Once you believed in the future
Held the best for both of us and I believed in you

Somehow you lost those feelings (that made you different)
Something I couldn't fight (not that I hadn't tried to)
I tried to bring you back to life from hell and you came wielding a scythe

This can't be you
Who are you?
I close my eyes and step to the endless fall
While you break the wings of a dreamer

Held onto your arms while I was pushed
Into the endless fall (I can't forget)
You're staring back at me
Killing me slowly

Kill me
Don't inflict this pain in vain
A desert lies where all hope was once a leafless tree
Too strong to fall on its own

Finish what you have begun
When all love inside has died
Like a river dried no longer runs
No love, no love, no love

Tell me, who will pray?
'Cause tonight the angels fall
While you break the wings of a dreamer

Held onto your arms
My arms while you were sucked
Into the endless fall (I can't forget)
You're staring back at me
Drowning slowly

You're staring back at me
Drowning slowly

Wings of a dreamer

2 Kommentare:

  1. Lass dir mal einen musikalischen Gruß da Hoffe er ist nicht zu flippig :8)

  2. Danke für den Tipp, die Jungs kannte ich noch gar nicht! :-)


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