(Voltaire: "This Ship's Going Down", aus dem Album "To The Bottom Of The Sea", 2008)
A gargantuan hole in the bow will the ocean to enter allow.
Oh, but more a sin than letting it in, it's letting our good fortune out.
The nest to the storm did succumb, while the crow hid his fear in the rum.
And the mast, it broke and threw out the bloke and well now he's surely my chum.
Love letters from under his bed, holds the cabin boy over his head
A futile try to keep it dry what tears have already wet.
They were penned by a girl in Merak, and the Javanese value their tact.
She'll conclude he's horribly rude 'cause he's sure as hell not writing back.
'Cause this ship's going down,
All on account of the weather.
Though we'll drown, there's no need to frown
'Cause we're all going together.
And I won't say: "Woe is me"
As I disappear into the sea,
'Cause I'm in good company
As we're all going together.
I've had women of every kind, but the only one truly was mine
Is the one at home who'll be alone when I am full-up with brine.
For my son I had always a plan, for to raise him as best as I can.
Oh well, you can bet, my only regret is to not see him grow to a man.
'Cause this ship's going down,
All on account of the weather.
Though we'll drown, there's no need to frown
'Cause we're all going together.
And I won't say: "Woe is me"
As I disappear into the sea,
'Cause I'm in good company
As we're all going together.
I was sinking down into the brine, when a curious sight caught my eye.
Seaman Shaft had found him a raft and was makin' a speedy goodbye.
At the risk of sounding absurd, I have always been good as my word.
So a fishgig I lanced into his eye and I knocked his ass overboard.
'Cause this ship's going down,
All on account of the weather.
Though we'll drown, there's no need to frown
'Cause we're all going together.
And I won't say: "Woe is me"
As I disappear into the sea ...
Oh, hell!
'Cause you've all been so good to me,
So we're all going together.

Anmerkung: Ich weiß, ich hatte diesen Song schon vor zwei Jahren hier im Blog, aber das ändert nichts daran, dass ich ihn einfach klasse finde und ihn immer wieder gerne höre - ganz besonders dann, wenn wieder einmal offensichtlich wird, dass wir alle gemeinsam in eben jenem besungenen Schiff hocken, das sich unweigerlich auf seinem klar erkennbaren kapitalistischen Weg "to the bottom of the sea" befindet. Es ist dabei nur eine bemerkenswerte, wahrlich nicht ironiefreie Randnotiz, dass es sich ausgerechnet um einen us-amerikanischen Musiker handelt, der sich heute den wunderbaren Namen "Voltaire" gegeben hat.
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