(Epica: "Victims Of Contingency", aus dem Album "The Quantum Enigma", 2014)
Your words are meaningless, as pain fills the void
Hollow words won't hurt no longer
You will regret every life you've destroyed
Blaming the whole world will never make you stronger
Be prepared for the righteous self
If you blame all your failures on someone else
Without any remorse
Without your remorse
If you don't face the weakness of your own self
You will take the same course
You'll take the same course
Your deeds are reasonless, you adore yourself
Empty deeds impress no longer
You will regret everyone you've envied
Blaming it on life will never make you stronger
Be prepared for the confrontation
If you blame all your failures on someone else
Without any remorse
Without your remorse
If you don't face the weakness of your own self
You will take the same course
You'll take the same course
If you blame all your failures on someone else
You avoid every chance
You've lost your last chance
To learn from yourself
If you blame all your failures on someone else
Without any remorse
Without your remorse
If you don't face the weakness of your own self
You will take the same course
You'll take the same course
We can't blame all our failures on someone else
For our own protection
So much to protect
We can't learn from decisions in our own lives
Without self-reflection
We will never flee from contingency
We will never flee from contingency

Anmerkung: Das superreiche Gaunergesindel versteht solche Texte einfach nicht ... davon konnten schon Erich Kästner ("Ansprache an Millionäre", 1932) und Joachim Ringelnatz ("Rachegelüst", 1927) ein frustriertes Liedchen singen. Die perverse Zeitschleife des Irrsinns dreht nunmehr unbehelligt ihre nächste Runde.
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