Freitag, 23. Oktober 2015

Song des Tages: Here Comes The Flood

(Peter Gabriel: "Here Comes The Flood", aus dem Album "Peter Gabriel [I]", 1977)

When the night shows
the signals grow on radios
All the strange things
they come and go, as early warnings
Stranded starfish have no place to hide
still waiting for the swollen Easter tide
There's no point in direction, we cannot
even choose a side.

I took the old track
the hollow shoulder, across the waters
On the tall cliffs
they were getting older, sons and daughters
The jaded underworld was riding high
Waves of steel hurled metal at the sky
and as the nail sunk in the cloud, the rain
was warm and soaked the crowd.

Lord, here comes the flood
We'll say goodbye to flesh and blood
If again the seas are silent
in any still alive
It'll be those who gave their island to survive
Drink up, dreamers, you're running dry.

When the flood calls
You have no home, you have no walls
In the thunder crash
You're a thousand minds, within a flash
Don't be afraid to cry at what you see
The actors gone, there's only you and me
And if we break before the dawn, they'll
use up what we used to be.

Lord, here comes the flood
We'll say goodbye to flesh and blood
If again the seas are silent
in any still alive
It'll be those who gave their island to survive
Drink up, dreamers, you're running dry.

Drink up, dreamers, you're running dry.

Anmerkung: Eine "altersberuhigte" Version dieses Songs aus dem Jahr 2003 - nur mit E-Piano-Begleitung - gibt's hier. Mir persönlich gefällt das "jugendliche" Original aber um Längen besser.

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