(Blaze Bayley: "Hollow Head", aus dem Album "Blood & Belief", 2004)
If that phone call is for me
Please tell them that I don't exist
I don't think I'll be missed
That call could signal danger
That I might still be alive
I thought that I had died
Do you think the doctor lied?
The doctor said it's not my fault
I've been told I'm not to blame
There is just an empty space
Where there should be a brain
I'm an interesting case
Just like one that he once saw
About a man who doesn't know
He is really just a thought
The doctor said I've got a hollow head ... hollow head
The doctor said I should go home
And try to find my own safe place
That's not something I can face
Where all my feelings are my own
And everything is just ok
That's not for me
I'm really ill you see
The world is spinning round too fast
The sky is pushing down too hard
Everybody's feeling scared
That they won't get the part
The extraordinary thing
Is that we are all the same
When we think we're all alone
We all feel so ashamed
The doctor said I've got a hollow head ... hollow head

Anmerkung: Allein für dieses herrliche Video und den wunderbar sarkastischen Text gehören dem Mann die Füße geküsst. Kann man einen Großteil unserer lieben Mitmenschen noch auf eine bessere Art karikieren? ;-)
4 Kommentare:
Köstlich. Slapstick mit Metal Soundtrack. :D
Stimme obigen Kommentar zu. Aber mein Song des Tages ist eher Pop, aus Gründen.
@ Eike: Angesichts dieses Liedchens von Mann/Sieber weiß ich gar nicht, ob ich lachen oder heulen soll. Inhaltlich passt es jedenfalls vorzüglich zum "Hohlkopf"-Song von Blaze, danke also für die Ergänzung.
Zu .... - Refugees welcome - ein wenig Kristallnaechteln https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_VGRhSvUfw
und dazu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enCr97TSzpw
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