(Blackfield: "Cloudy Now", aus dem Album "Blackfield", 2004)
In a violent place we can call our country
Is a mixed up man and I guess that's me.
The sun's in the sky but the storm never seems to end.
It's a place of sorrow but we call it a home,
And the darkest thoughts, yeah, I guess they're my own.
There's wealth in the bank but there's nothing to show inside.
- It's cloudy now ... -
- It's getting cloudy now ... -
In a special place that I call my life
The father was cruel and he lost his wife.
But I don't see either 'cause I live across the street.
It's a beautiful thing when it starts to rain,
A man who drinks just to drown the pain.
And I can't stop from dreaming there's something else.
- It's cloudy now ... -
(The sun's in the sky but the storm never seems to end)
- It's cloudy now ... -
(And I can't stop from dreaming there's something else)
- It's getting cloudy now ... -
- It's cloudy now ... -
- It's cloudy now ... -
- It's cloudy now ... -
- It's cloudy now ... -

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