Montag, 8. Mai 2017

Song des Tages: Shadowplay

(Fish: "Shadowplay", aus dem Album "Internal Exile. A Collection of a Boy's Own Stories", 1991)

Hunched foetal in the corner of my soul
My fingernails are bleeding from climbing up the wall
This time you really hurt me right down to the core
And I'm desperately trying to find a reason to forgive you for it all

I saw your life as a shadowplay
In a trance I was held by the shadowplay
In the spell of the shadowplay
From Celtic illumination
I see the Celtic illumination
The Celtic

I never realized just how far we'd gone
I turned around and all that I saw was distance
Through an anger that burned everytime
That someone mentioned your name
I should have noticed, should have read the signs
We could have talked it out if there was a problem
It wasn't obvious then
But then it isn't really obvious now

I saw your life as a shadowplay
In a trance I was held by the shadowplay
In the spell of the shadowplay
From Celtic illumination
I see the Celtic illumination
The Celtic

I could have changed, I could have settled down
I could have been whatever you wanted me to be
If you gave me the chance
But it seems that it's too late for that now
I thought I knew you thought we had it made
I'd thought it out, thought I had the answers
After all is said and done
The only thing I really know is your name

I sit and wait for the shadowplay
Let me in into the world of the shadowplay
I'll follow you to the shadowplay
Through Celtic illumination
Give me the Celtic illumination

If I'd only had the patience, if I'd only had the time
If I'd only known the moment when you'd chosen to decide
If I'd only ever listened, if you'd only ever asked
If I'd known it was important, if I'd known it wouldn't last
Run to the magic of - the magic of the shadowplay ...

Maybe if I'd noticed, maybe if I'd tried
Maybe if I'd worked at it, it never would have died
Maybe I was selfish, maybe I was blind
Maybe I was in the wrong and you were in the right
Run to the magic of - the magic of the shadowplay ...

Could I have been a better man, was I really all to blame?
Was it me that was the problem, was it me that dealt the pain?
Did you never mean to hurt me, did you only try to show
That you really, truly loved me, that together we're alone?
Run to the magic of - the magic of the shadowplay ...

I see my life as a shadowplay
All around is the magic of shadowplay
In the world of the shadowplay is where I belong
Where all that I feared - is how it is and will be
All that was hidden - now you will see
All I could dream - you'll find now is real
All I could touch - now you can feel
And the light that I follow is where the madness will end
Illumination, illumination ...

Shine on, shine on, shine on.

Anmerkung: Dieser inzwischen 26 Jahre alte Song ist eine vortreffliche Allegorie auf unsere heutige Zeit. Es dürfte uns allen bekannt vorkommen, dass der Autor das "lyrische Ich" im Song zwar diffus erkennen lässt: "And the light that I follow is where the madness will end", während es dennoch weiterhin irrsinnig und verzweifelt nach "Illumination" und "Shine on" ruft. Der Endsieg wird weiter verkündet, selbst wenn der Untergang schon nicht mehr zaghaft, sondern brutal polternd an die Türe pocht bzw. diese längst zerschmettert hat und zähnebleckend im Flur steht.

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