(10cc: "The Wall Street Shuffle", aus dem Album "Sheet Music", 1974)
Do the Wall Street shuffle
Hear the money rustle
Watch the greenbacks tumble
Feel the Sterling crumble
You need a yen to make a mark
If you wanna make money
You need the luck to make a buck
If you wanna be Getty, Rothschild
You've gotta be cool on Wall Street
You've gotta be cool on Wall Street
When your index is low
Dow Jones ain't got time for the bums
They wind up on skid row with holes in their pockets
They plead with you, buddy can you spare the dime
But you ain't got the time
Doin' the ...
Doin' the ...
Oh, Howard Hughes, did your money make you better?
Are you waiting for the hour when you can screw me?
'Cos you're big enough
To do the Wall Street Shuffle
Let your money hustle
Bet you'd sell your mother
You can buy another
Doin' the ...
Doin' the ...
You buy and sell, you wheel and deal
But you're living on instinct
You get a tip, you follow it
And you make a big killing
On Wall Street

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