Donnerstag, 28. November 2013

Song des Tages: The Day Before The War

(Asia: "The Day Before The War", aus dem Album "Arena", 1996)

Standing on the border, waiting on the line
Silence is a stranger in these troubled times
I recall a better place where I controlled my mind
We had no fears at all - the day before the war.

Our hands across the water, sun is in the east
Who will feed the famine after lions' feast?
In the name of Jesus, in the name of God?
You took it all in vain - the day before the war.

Standing on the border, waiting on the line
Feet in bloody water, deafened by the crime
I recall the beauty, young will never see
We had no fears at all - the day before the war.

Our hearts across the water, sun is in the east
Ships arrived this morning from the burning sea
Take away the glory, take away the pain
You were a friend of mine - the day before the war.

4 Kommentare:

  1. Kaum bin ich wieder zuhause muß ich hier weichgespültes Elend finden.... -) Ich muß dich dringend wieder auf den richtigen Kurs bringen wenn ich das richtig sehe!! Fangen wir direkt mal an: War Of Aggression von A Perfect Murder:

    1. Kaum bist Du wieder da, trollst Du auch schon wieder herum. ;-) Allein für Dich verlinke ich hier sehr gern - zur beruhigung des Gemütes, aus satirischen Gründen und selbstverständlich zu Deiner Besinnung - Mozarts "Kleine Nachtmusik". :-)

      Willkommen zurück.

  2. And back to Reality

    And don't forget that "Violence is the most effective Method of Communication"

    1. @ Anonymous: This is hard stuff on youtube. I don't link to such videos because there are too many crazy people out there who will watch such sick scenes of killing just for personal entertainment - just like watching a fictional movie.

      Yet this in fact is what soldiers all over the world do - always in the name of capitalism and the power of few.


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